Become The Strong, Confident Woman You've Always Aspired To Be!

The Size: Happy Method is a 6-week course that will help you get in shape... and improve your confidence through the implementation of weight lifting, EFT, visualization, and cognitive behavior therapy modalities.
Do you struggle with your body-image?

Is it putting a strain on your self-worth?

Do you feel unattractive and it’s ruined your confidence?

Do you have a hard time looking in the mirror because you feel out of shape and don't like what you see?

Do you tend to cover your body with baggy clothes because you don't like how your body looks?

Do you get invited to things but don’t go because you think you don’t look or feel your best?

Are you preoccupied with thoughts about your body, weight or size?

Do you compare your body to others to the point you begin to feel ugly or out of shape?

Does the thought of wearing a bikini make you feel uncomfortable and insecure?

Have you tried a lot of fitness programs and diets in the past in hopes that once you lost the weight, then you'd be happy and confident enough to pursue the things you want?

Do you have a hard time sticking to exercise due to lack of time or motivation?

Do you tend to take exercise and diet to extremes, causing you to burn out fast and lose all your progress?

Do you have a desire to gain more confidence, strength and muscle?

And do you prefer to work alongside someone who believes in a balanced, flexible approach or won't tell you to do endless hours of cardio each week and cut out carbs?

If you answered yes to any of these, the Size: Happy Method is for you!

The Size: Happy Method includes research based, scientifically proven 
mind-body connection and fitness methods that provide long-term success and sustainability. 

Don't Envy The Strong, Confident Woman
- Become Her!

Completely Transform The Way Your Body Looks & Step Into Your 'Confident Era' 
In 6-Weeks or Less

Do you struggle with your body-image?

Is it putting a strain on your self-worth?

Do you feel unattractive and it’s ruined your confidence?

Do you have a hard time looking in the mirror because you feel out of shape and don't like what you see?

Do you tend to cover your body with baggy clothes because you don't like how your body looks?

Do you get invited to things but don’t go because you think you don’t look or feel your best?

Are you preoccupied with thoughts about your body, weight or size?

Do you compare your body to others to the point you begin to feel ugly or out of shape?

Does the thought of wearing a bikini make you feel uncomfortable and insecure?

Have you tried a lot of fitness programs and diets in the past in hopes that once you lost the weight, then you'd be happy and confident enough to pursue the things you want?

Do you have a hard time sticking to exercise due to lack of time or motivation?

Do you tend to take exercise and diet to extremes, causing you to burn out fast and lose all your progress?

Do you have a desire to gain more confidence, strength and muscle?

And do you prefer to work alongside someone who believes in a balanced, flexible approach or won't tell you to do endless hours of cardio each week and cut out carbs?

If you answered yes to any of these, the Size: Happy Method is for you!

The Size: Happy Method includes research based, scientifically proven mind-body connection and fitness methods that provide long-term success and sustainability. 

Throughout my life, I've been every size imaginable. A little chunky, extremely fit and skinny fat.

It wasn't until I learned about behavior change therapies, subconscious reprogramming, the law of attraction, and manifestation...

That I discovered that the true way to health, happiness and confidence was not through struggle, force, control and restriction,

- but through changing my thoughts, beliefs, stories, habits, behaviors, and embodying the confident, fit woman I so deeply desired to be.
After struggling with my body-image, health, happiness and confidence for over two decades...

to now living up to my own standards and expectations of beauty, health, happiness and success,

There's NOTHING that makes me more excited than to be able to help YOU get in shape and enter your 'confident era' too!

This is me now.
Sassy & Strong!

Throughout my life, I've been every size imaginable. A little chunky, extremely fit and skinny fat.

It wasn't until I learned about behavior change therapies, subconscious reprogramming, the law of attraction, and manifestation...

That I discovered that the true way to health, happiness and confidence was not through struggle, force, control and restriction,

- but through changing my thoughts, beliefs, stories, habits, behaviors, and embodying the confident, fit woman I so deeply desired to be.
After struggling with my body-image, health, happiness and confidence for over two decades...

to now living up to my own standards and expectations of beauty, health, happiness and success,

There's NOTHING that makes me more excited than to be able to help YOU get in shape and enter your 'confident era' too!
This is me now.
Sassy and Strong!
Would you love to gain muscle and confidence without having to sacrifice your social life or sanity? 
This is the program for you!

The Size: Happy Method is meant to help you become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself, 
without depriving yourself, going to extremes or you having to revolve your life around the gym and food.

This is accomplished through proven exercise splits that sculpt every inch of your body and by implementing mindset modalities like cognitive behavioral therapy and manifesting techniques like visualization affirmations.

This course is designed to be tailored to meet your individual needs and fitness goals.

Join our community of empowered women who are rewriting the rules and reclaiming their confidence. Together, we'll break free from the extremes of traditional fitness programs and embrace a new way of approaching health and wellness. Starting from a place of LOVE.
A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. 
(and so does the body of your dreams)
Would you love to gain muscle and confidence without having to sacrifice your social life or sanity? 

This is the program for you!

The Size: Happy Method is meant to help you become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself, 
without depriving yourself, going to extremes or you having to revolve your life around the gym and food.

This is accomplished through proven exercise splits that sculpt every inch of your body and by implementing mindset modalities like cognitive behavioral therapy and manifesting techniques like visualization affirmations.

This course is designed to be tailored to meet your individual needs and fitness goals.

Join our community of empowered women who are rewriting the rules and reclaiming their confidence. 

Together, we'll break free from the extremes of traditional fitness programs and embrace a new way of approaching health and wellness. 

Starting from a place of LOVE.
This program is specifically designed for women who want to gain muscle and confidence.

The Size: Happy Method will help you step back onto the path towards becoming the healthiest, happiest version of yourself through exercise splits and mindset modalities.

This course is tailored to meet your individual needs and fitness goals.

Join our community of empowered women who are rewriting the rules and reclaiming their confidence. Together, we'll break free from the extremes of traditional fitness programs and embrace a new way of approaching health and wellness. 

It's time to invest in yourself and start loving how you look and feel in your body.

It's Time You Wake Up Everyday Loving The Way You Look & Feel!

From my own experience with overcoming health and body-image challenges, and through working one-on-one with women since 2011 who struggled with the same, 

I've discovered that to get in shape and improve your body-image (the way you think about and perceive your body), you must not only exercise and eat better. But also remove all the limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and stories that hold you back.

Inside the Size: Happy Method, you'll explore and improve your unique mindset by:

- Reframing the thoughts and stories that aren't serving you anymore and keeping you unhappy with yourself, your body and your life,

- Getting crystal clear about what you want and why you want it (knowing your "why" is so, so important), 

- Listening to affirmation audios that will reprogram your subconscious mind and align you to your deepest desires,

- Visualization practices that help you get into the energy of what it's like having a healthy, strong body, 

- Emotional freedom techniques that are designed to release stored emotions such as guilt, shame, and frustration, and replace them with confidence,

- Being more mindful and in the present moment so that you feel centered and grounded and make good decisions, 

- Behavior change modifications that create better habits and behaviors that align to YOUR goals, 

- Practicing daily gratitude and compassion to raise your vibration instantly,

- And taking consistent action that aligns with your goals (Law of Action).

- And yes... lifting weights and eating in a way that nourishes your body and allows you to reach your fitness goals!

When you trust you body, work with her and BELIEVE you deserve to be healthy and happy... shifts happen FAST!

The Size: Happy Method is part exercise part research-backed mindset and manifestation modalities. 

The way it's laid out, you will get in shape, cultivate a healthy relationship with your body and develop unwavering confidence - even if you've never done anything like this type of inner work before. 

This course is unlike anything else you've ever gone through because most fitness trainers/influencers don't share ways to overcome all those pesky doubts and frustrations we all naturally experience when we are trying to get in shape. From what I've seen, they usually just tell you to train harder and eat less. 

No wonder why you've been frustrated with your body and progress and hesitant to start exercising again! 

This is why I'm so passionate about this sacred work. It's so needed these days, especially with social media and unexperienced fitness influencers ruining our self-worth, mental health and confidence. 

I spent two decades of my life hating my body and playing small because I wasn't a certain size and because I didn't look a certain way. Exercising more, eliminating certain foods and fat burners wasn't the answer. 

Thinking better thoughts, telling myself better stories, taking time to develop better habits and behaviors, believing I deserved to have all the things I wanted, removing myself from people and environments that weren't serving me, and becoming my biggest cheerleader was. 

I eventually got tired of my own crap and knew I wanted more out of life!

If you're tired of standing in your own way, I'm here to share with you the same transformative journey that helped me conquer the emotional and mental pain of eating disorders, body dysmorphia, body-image struggles, and breast implant illness. 

It's laid out in a step by step method that is easy to follow, understand, and implement. 

I'll be taking you through the most effective workout splits and mindset/manifestation modalities to help you gain muscle and confidence! You are guaranteed to see and feel results in as little as 4 weeks if you follow this plan as intended. 

From full-body exercises that sculpt and tone your body, to powerful mindset techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and visualization, you're provided with the tools necessary to get in shape and love your body.

Who Is The Size: Happy Method For?

This transformational course is for you if you want to...
  • ​Replace those nasty negative thoughts you have about your body with ones that empower you to do, feel & be a better you every day (so you crush your goals faster)!
  • ​​Take care of your body in a healthy, sustainable manor because you want to be thriving in your golden years.
  • ​Kickstart your fitness goals and keep your results for decades to come, by simply making tiny shifts in the way you think about and train your body!
  • Get closer and more intimate with your partner (or start dating again) without feeling insecure about your body, weight or size.
  • ​​Get rid of stubborn inflammation and unwanted fat FOR GOOD (through traditional and non-tradition methods)!
  • Build beautiful feminine curves by adding muscle in all the right places!
  • ​Be able to attend celebrations with your friends and family without having anxiety around food, your weight and body.
  • ​Wake up every morning and love what you see in the mirror - or at the very least not be bothered by areas that aren't where you want them to be (yet)! #BodyAcceptance

What's Included in the Size: Happy Method?

Effective Prep Week
Before officially starting the Size: Happy Method, I show you how to tailor everything from the gym to the kitchen to meet your individual fitness goals. Feel prepared and confident from day one!
Full Body Exercise Routines + Cardio & Abs:
6-weeks of at-home or gym exercise routines that target every muscle group + a new ab & cardio routine for all 6-weeks. Whether your goal is muscle building, fat loss or a little bit of both, I show you how many reps and sets to do to easily acheive your goal.
Nutrition & Supplement Guidance (ebook):
I'll show you how to calculate your macros and create your perfect meal plan. I'll also help you pick out the best supplements to support your health and fitness goals so you don't waste your money.
Body Image and Confidence Module
11 lessons on how to use cognitive behavioral therapy on yourself to help you identify triggers and bad habits, rewrite disempowering stories, reframe negative thoughts and let go of any limiting beleifs you have about yourself and your body so you wake up each day beleiving that ANYTHING is possible and you can acheive your goals.
Mindset & Manifestation Practices
Release all that isn't serving you though the 5 EFT sessions designed to help you gain confidence and love your body, 2 audio affirmations that will reprogram your subconscious mind for success and three guided audio visulaization sessions to start attracting EXACTLY how you desire to look and feel.
Gentle Upper and Lower Body Stretches: 
Improves your performance, flexibility, joint mobility, enables your muscles to work more effectively and decreases muscle stiffness, aches and pains.
Plank and Push Up Progression Video Series:
Whether you're a beginner or just a little rusty, this series will safely help you start strengthening your upper body and core, while improving your posture, coordination & flexibility.
Explant Surgery Recovery Protocol
(for those who explanted) While you wait to get cleared to exercise by your surgeon, find out what you can be doing (and what to avoid) to help your body ease back into movement, recover faster, drop inflammation and feel fabulous
Access to an Engaged Facebook Group
You'll be apart of a community of like-minded women with similar goals, challenges and aspirations. You'll also receive daily, direct access to me for questions and continued support
The Size: Happy Method Is a Mind and Body Focused Program That Provides an Inner and Outer Transformation

Everything is 100% online. Log in anytime, anywhere, from the comfort of your own home or gym.

Unlock These Bonuses When You Sign Up!

Valued at $350

  • ​​8 Exercise Variations (video) to help you from hitting a plateau and experiencing exercise boredom.
  • ​​Diets and Disordered Eating (video) has you explore diet behavior in a way that is fun and helps you build a healthier relationship with food and your body. *Coming from someone who's recovered from eating disorders.
  • Breakthrough (mindset ebook): Explore a new perspective about yourself, your body and your mindset - and start seeing and feeling results.
  • The Ultimate Booty Building guide (ebook): Discover simple and effective techniques to engage and grow your glutes.
  • Size: Happy Daily Journal Prompts: Fill out daily to help get in the frequency of gratitude and ensure that you are filling your cup with things that will improve your mind, body and soul. 
  • Manifestation Toolkit: An entire Module that will walk you through the manifestation process step-by-step. This exact formula is how to turn your desires into reality on an energetic and subconscious level. When you implement these powerful tools you will give the Universe a clear message, through your words and frequency, about what you want.

It's Time You Wake Up Everyday Loving The Way You Look & Feel!

From my own experience with overcoming health and body-image challenges, and through working one-on-one with women since 2011 who struggled with the same, 

I've discovered that to get in shape and improve your body-image (the way you think about and perceive your body), you must not only exercise and eat better. But also remove all the limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and stories that hold you back.

Inside the Size: Happy Method, you'll explore and improve your unique mindset by:

- Reframing the thoughts and stories that aren't serving you anymore and keeping you unhappy with yourself, your body and your life,

- Getting crystal clear about what you want and why you want it (knowing your "why" is so, so important), 

- Listening to affirmation audios that will reprogram your subconscious mind and align you to your deepest desires,

- Visualization practices that help you get into the energy of what it's like having a healthy, strong body, 

- Emotional freedom techniques that are designed to release stored emotions such as guilt, shame, and frustration, and replace them with confidence,

- Being more mindful and in the present moment so that you feel centered and grounded and make good decisions, 

- Behavior change modifications that create better habits and behaviors that align to YOUR goals, 

- Practicing daily gratitude and compassion to raise your vibration instantly,

- And taking consistent action that aligns with your goals (Law of Action).

- And yes... lifting weights and eating in a way that nourishes your body and allows you to reach your fitness goals!

When you trust you body, work with her and BELIEVE you deserve to be healthy and happy... shifts happen FAST!

The Size: Happy Method is part exercise part research-backed mindset and manifestation modalities. 

The way it's laid out, you will get in shape, cultivate a healthy relationship with your body and develop unwavering confidence - even if you've never done anything like this type of inner work before. 

This course is unlike anything else you've ever gone through because most fitness trainers/influencers don't share ways to overcome all those pesky doubts and frustrations we all naturally experience when we are trying to get in shape. From what I've seen, they usually just tell you to train harder and eat less. 

No wonder why you've been frustrated with your body and progress and hesitant to start exercising again! 

This is why I'm so passionate about this sacred work. 

It's so needed these days, especially with social media and unexperienced fitness influencers ruining our self-worth, mental health and confidence. 

I spent two decades of my life hating my body and playing small because I wasn't a certain size and because I didn't look a certain way. 

Exercising more, eliminating certain foods and fat burners wasn't the answer. 

Thinking better thoughts, telling myself better stories, taking time to develop better habits and behaviors, believing I deserved to have all the things I wanted, removing myself from people and environments that weren't serving me, and becoming my biggest cheerleader was. 

I eventually got tired of my own crap and knew I wanted more out of life!

If you're tired of standing in your own way, I'm here to share with you the same transformative journey that helped me conquer the emotional and mental pain of eating disorders, body dysmorphia, body-image struggles, and breast implant illness. 

It's laid out in a step by step method that is easy to follow, understand, and implement. 

I'll be taking you through the most effective workout splits and mindset/manifestation modalities to help you gain muscle and confidence! You are guaranteed to see and feel results in as little as 4 weeks if you follow this plan as intended. 

From full-body exercises that sculpt and tone your body, to powerful mindset techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and visualization, you're provided with the tools necessary to get in shape and love your body.

Who is The Size: Happy Method for?

This Course is For You
If You Want to...
  • Replace those nasty negative thoughts you have about your body with ones that empower you to do, feel & be a better you every day (so you crush your goals faster)!
  • ​​​Take care of your body in a healthy, sustainable manor because you want to be thriving in your golden years.
  • ​Kickstart your fitness goals and keep your results for decades to come, by simply making tiny shifts in the way you think about and train your body!
  • ​Get closer and more intimate with your partner (or start dating again) without feeling insecure about your body, weight or size.
  • ​Get rid of stubborn inflammation and unwanted fat FOR GOOD (through traditional and non-tradition methods)!
  • ​Build beautiful feminine curves by adding muscle in all the right places!
  • ​Be able to attend celebrations with your friends and family without having anxiety around food, your weight and body.
  • ​Wake up every morning and love what you see in the mirror - or at the very least not be bothered by areas that aren't where you want them to be (yet)! #BodyAcceptance

What's Included in the Size: Happy Method?

Effective Prep Week
Before officially starting the Size: Happy Method, I show you how to tailor everything from the gym to the kitchen to meet your individual fitness goals. Feel prepared and confident from day one!
Full Body Exercise Routines + Cardio & Abs
6-weeks of at-home or gym exercise routines that target every muscle group + a new ab & cardio routine for all 6-weeks. Whether your goal is muscle building, fat loss or a little bit of both, I show you how many reps and sets to do to easily acheive your goal.
Nutrition & Supplement Guidance
I'll show you how to calculate your macros and create your perfect meal plan. I'll also help you pick out the best supplements to support your health and fitness goals so you don't waste your money.
Body Image and Confidence Module
11 lessons on how to use cognitive behavioral therapy on yourself to help you identify triggers and bad habits, rewrite disempowering stories, reframe negative thoughts and let go of any limiting beleifs you have about yourself and your body so you wake up each day beleiving that ANYTHING is possible and you can acheive your goals.
Mindset & Manifestation Practices
Release all that isn't serving you though the 5 EFT sessions designed to help you gain confidence and love your body, 2 audio affirmations that will reprogram your subconscious mind for success and three guided audio visulaization sessions to start attracting EXACTLY how you desire to look and feel.
Plank and Push Up Progression Video Series
Whether you're a beginner or you just a little rusty, this series will safely help you start strenthening your upper body and core, while improving your posture, coordination & flexibilty
Gentle Upper and Lower Body Stretches
Improves your performance, flexibilty, joint mobility, enables your muscles to work more effectively and decreases muscle stiffness, aches and pains
Access to an Engaged Facebook Group
You'll join a community of like-minded women with similar goals, challenges and aspirations. You'll also receive daily, direct access to me for questions and continued support
Explant Surgery Recovery Protocol
(for those who explanted) While you wait to get cleared to exercise by your surgeon, find out what you can be doing (and what to avoid) to help your body ease back into movement, recover faster, drop inflammation and feel fabulous
The Size: Happy Method Is a Mind and Body Focused Program That Provides an Inner and Outer Transformation
Everything is 100% online. Log in anytime, anywhere, 
from the comfort of your own home or gym.

Unlock these Bonuses When You Sign Up!

  • ​​8 Exercise Variations (video) to help you from hitting a plateau and experiencing exercise boredom.
  • ​Diets and Disordered Eating (video) has you explore diet behavior in a way that is fun and helps you build a healthier relationship with food and your body. *Coming from someone who's recovered from eating disorders.
  • ​​Breakthrough (mindset ebook): Explore a new perspective about yourself, your body and your mindset - and start seeing and feeling results.
  • ​​Size: Happy Daily Journal Prompts: Fill out daily to help get in the frequency of gratitude and ensure that you are filling your cup with things that will improve your mind, body and soul. 
  • ​6-Steps To Body Confidence: 6-Steps To Body Confidence breakdown that helps you go from body-acceptance to body-gratitude (which is like way cooler than body-confidence).
  • ​The Ultimate Booty Building guide (ebook): Discover simple and effective techniques to engage and grow your glutes.
  • ​Manifestation Toolkit: An entire Module that will walk you through the manifestation process step-by-step. This exact formula is how to turn your desires into reality. When you implement these powerful tools you will give the Universe a clear message, through your words and frequency, about what you want.
Never forget how wildly capable you are. 


Don't stop until you're proud.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I start?

As soon as you sign up you' get immediate access to the entire program! A few times a year I host this course as a group challenge, but it's designed for you to start whenever you want.

I'm not in the USA. Can I still join?

Yes! Women from all over the world are following the Size: Happy Method. The platform where you'll access all the videos can be logged into from anywhere in the world, any time.

What equipment do I need for the exercises?

You'll need ankle weights , 65cm ball , bands ,  resistance bands with hand grips, or a variety of dumbbells. In total (not including the dumbbells) you're looking at $95 worth of exercise equipment. If you find a different brand that's within your budget - go for it!

I want to gain muscle. Is this program only for those wanting to lose weight?

This program is for all fitness goals and all fitness levels! Inside the first training video tab, 'Get Started', I show you how to customize the exercises to your fitness goal. Since you want to put on muscle, you'll be lifting heavier with lower reps. I'll go over this with you inside the training.  So yes, this method will help you put on muscle (my goal too 🙂 ).

I prefer exercising at a gym. Are there gym routines using machines?

YES! I myself love working out at a gym. So, how your exercise routines are designed, is there will be gym-specific exercises throughout (lat pulldown machine, leg press machine, leg extension machine, leg curl machine, pulley machine), buuuut for those of you who don't exercise at the gym there are At-Home Workout Substitutions using your bands, ankle weights, etc. instead!

Are there any physical products that will be shipped to me?

No. Everything is 100% online. Nothing is shipped out or sent to you.

If I just explanted. Could this be something I can do?

Yes! I created an entire protocol just for you to start while you wait to get cleared to exercise by your plastic surgeon. If you are less than 12-weeks post-explant I would hold off from lifting heavy so that you don't potentially hurt or tear anything.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I start?

As soon as you sign up you get immediate access to the entire program! A few times a year I host this course as a group challenge, but it's designed for you to start whenever you want.

I'm not in the USA. Can I still join?

Yes! Women from all over the world are following the Size: Happy Method. The platform where you'll access all the videos can be logged into from anywhere in the world, any time.

What equipment do I need for the exercises?

You'll need ankle weights , 65cm ball , bands , resistance bands with hand grips, or a variety of dumbbells. In total (not including the dumbbells) you're looking at $95 worth of exercise equipment. If you find a different brand that's within your budget - go for it!

I want to gain muscle. Is this program only for those wanting to lose weight?

This program is for all fitness goals and all fitness levels! Inside the first training video tab, 'Get Started', I show you how to customize the exercises to your fitness goal. Since you want to put on muscle, you'll be lifting heavier with lower reps. I'll go over this with you inside the training. So yes, this method will help you put on muscle (my goal too 🙂 ).

I prefer exercising at a gym. Are there gym routines using machines?

YES! I myself love working out at a gym. So, how your exercise routines are designed, is there will be gym-specific exercises throughout (lat pulldown machine, leg press machine, leg extension machine, leg curl machine, pulley machine), buuuut for those of you who don't exercise at the gym there are At-Home Workout Substitutions using your bands, ankle weights, etc. instead!

Are there any physical products that will be shipped to me?

No. Everything is 100% online. Nothing is shipped out or sent to you.

If I just explanted. Could this be something I can do?

Yes! I created an entire section just for you to start while you wait to get cleared to exercise by your plastic surgeon.

If you are less than 12-weeks post-explant I would hold off from lifting heavy so that you don't potentially hurt or tear anything.

Christina's Story

Although you might not be able to tell just by looking at me, for over two decades I struggled with my weight, health, body-image, and confidence. 

The relationship I had to everything from food, my self, my body and others was toxic and unhealthy. 

This started when I was 14 years old :(

The following year I began a job at a grocery store as a bagger.

In between customers I would flip through the pages of Oxygen, Muscle & Fitness Hers and Health magazines. 
This is where I went wrong. 

Throughout the magazine pages it was all the same message:

"Eat 1,200 calories a day, don't snack between meals, burn more calories than you consume, take fat burners and stay away from sugar and you too can look like a cover model!"

That's how simple they made it seem it was to get in fitness cover model shape.

Being a young teenager who admired their flat stomach, chiseled arms, thick thighs and shapely body (all the things I didn't have), I was more than willing to do what they suggested to achieve that look. 

I was bombarded with images inside magazines and MTV of what a healthy, attractive and strong woman looked like, which sank into my subconscious and warped my mind.

I didn't know it at the time but I began believing the lies that:

- I had to track everything to a tee if I was serious about getting in shape
- I had to eat every three hours on the dot or else my metabolism would tank and I'd lose muscle
- I would be happier in a size 1 and 105 pounds
- Fit, beautiful women have no insecurities
- Food was my issue - not my emotions and lack of boundaries
- Fat burners and fasted cardio would void-out my binges
- The number on the scale is what's most important 

And when things didn't go my way, I felt like a failure. 
Which tanked my confidence and only worsened the way I felt and thought about my body.

I never blamed anything on the fact that what I was doing wasn't ideal for MY body.

Traditional methods were NOT working and I was super frustrated.

I thought my body was the problem and the thing that needed fixed. 

When in fact, it's society and the beauty industry that needs a good fixing!

To add to my body-image and food issues, I thought that if I got breast implants they would make me whole & more womanly and all my body issues would just *poof* disappear.

It's the only part on my body that I couldn't exercise or eat my way into changing, you know?

So just a couple months shy of my 24th birthday, in November 2006, I had a breast augmentation. 

I went from a perky A cup to a full D cup in two hours.

Breast implants did improve my confidence... but it was very short lived.

Within a year I began picking on other body part.

- My stomach isn't flat enough.
- The cellulite on the back of my legs has got to go.
- That little pinch of skin by my armpit that stuck out in tank top is bothering me.
- My cheeks are so puffy from the binge I had the night before... ugh. 

Insert fasted cardio, diuretics, fat burners, calorie restriction, guilt & shame. 

Within that same first year of getting breast implants I also developed full blown Binge Eating Disorder. And I was studying to become a Certified Personal Trainer during this time!

Here I was, working towards making a career out of helping people eat healthy and get in amazing shape, yet "I" couldn't even get my own eating issues under control.

I'm here to tell you...

If you take nothing away from anything I've said, know this:

If you don't believe in yourself, get your mindset (thoughts and beliefs) right and surround yourself with positive people, it doesn't matter how much you know - nothing will work for long. 

From the outside I looked good. I came off as happy go lucky. But behind closed doors I was an anxious girl with constant disempowering thoughts who overly obsessed about not looking like the girl on the cover of Oxygen magazine.

Fast forward to October 2014, after competing in a couple fitness competitions, I began to get really sick.

Chronic fatigue. Brain fog. Hair loss. Blurry vision. Debilitating anxiety and depression bouts. Hip joint pain. Cold extremities. Gasping for air. Swollen lymph nodes. Ringing in my ears. Full body tremors.

Come to find out, after four years of doctors visits, cancer scares, ultrasounds, supplement protocols, a massive overhaul with my diet and lots of praying,

I found out in 2017 that I had something called, Breast Implant Illness.

This was my ah-ha moment after so many years of felling like I was going to die - literally!

In August 2018 I explanted and never looked back.

Who would've thought the things I so desperately thought I needed almost took me down.

I am on the other side of that now, and can proudly say that my health, body image, confidence, relationship with food, mindset and life is pretty darn near perfect.

I no longer weigh myself multiple times the day, count every calorie, do excessive amounts of cardio, obsess about my body or feel the need to go to extremes to alter my body in order to feel more confident, womanly or healthy. 

And I want this for you more than anything.

It took me two decades - 21 years to be exact - to get to a place of unconditionally loving my body. 

After my own trials and errors and working with thousands of women,

I know what it takes to feel good about your body, love what you see in the mirror and where 99.9% of women go wrong from day one. 

I also KNOW what doesn’t work, what's downright dangerous and what's a waste of time.

My intention, with anything I do, is to not only show you how to get there, but teach you how to sustain and maintain what you worked so hard to achieve.

Since 2008 (after I became a Certified Personal Trainer) I’ve successfully helped thousands of women from all walks of life:

  - Binge & Emotional Eaters who turn to food to cope with stress,
  - Bikini Competitors who are willing to do anything to win first place,
  - The Diehard Gym Rat who wants to pack on 10 pounds of muscle,
  - The Busy Mom who wants to lose her baby weight,

Regardless of where you currently are and everything you've tried, you can be:

Heal the relationship you have with your body, using the power of your mind.
Eat in a way that doesn’t feel like a diet, and maintains your sanity.
Achieve your goals - but this time we’re starting from a place of love.
Love your body unconditionally - scars, dimples, stretch marks and all. 
Exude confidence, no matter what your jean or breast is.
Develop the mindset it takes to achieve and sustain your goals.
It's time for you to show up big in life & as the best version of yourself. 

You absolutely CAN break free from any body-image barriers holding you back and get in amazing shape!

I'll show you how!

And remember,
Beauty standards are flawed - not you. 💋

Christina's Story

Although you might not be able to tell just by looking at me, for over two decades I struggled with my weight, health, body-image, and confidence. 

The relationship I had to everything from food, my self, my body and others was toxic and unhealthy. 

This started when I was 14 years old :(

The following year I began a job at a grocery store as a bagger.

In between customers I would flip through the pages of Oxygen, Muscle & Fitness Hers and Health magazines. 

This is where I went wrong. 
Throughout the magazine pages it was all the same message:

"Eat 1,200 calories a day, don't snack between meals, burn more calories than you consume, take fat burners and stay away from sugar and you too can look like a cover model!"

That's how simple they made it seem it was to get in fitness cover model shape.

Being a young teenager who admired their flat stomach, chiseled arms, thick thighs and shapely body (all the things I didn't have), I was more than willing to do what they suggested to achieve that look. 

I was bombarded with images inside magazines and MTV of what a healthy, attractive and strong woman looked like, which sank into my subconscious and warped my mind.

I didn't know it at the time but I began believing the lies that:

- I had to track everything to a tee if I was serious about getting in shape
- I had to eat every three hours on the dot or else my metabolism would tank and I'd lose muscle
- I would be happier in a size 1 and 105 pounds
- Fit, beautiful women have no insecurities
- Food was my issue - not my emotions and lack of boundaries
- Fat burners and fasted cardio would void-out my binges
- The number on the scale is what's most important 

And when things didn't go my way, I felt like a failure. 

Which tanked my confidence and only worsened the way I felt and thought about my body.

I never blamed anything on the fact that what I was doing wasn't ideal for MY body.

Traditional methods were NOT working and I was super frustrated.

I thought my body was the problem and the thing that needed fixed. 

When in fact, it's society and the beauty industry that needs a good fixing!

To add to my body-image and food issues, I thought that if I got breast implants they would make me whole & more womanly and all my body issues would just *poof* disappear.

It's the only part on my body that I couldn't exercise or eat my way into changing, you know?

So just a couple months shy of my 24th birthday, in November 2006, I had a breast augmentation. 

I went from a perky A cup to a full D cup in two hours.

Breast implants did improve my confidence... but it was very short lived.

Within a year I began picking on other body part.

- My stomach isn't flat enough.
- The cellulite on the back of my legs has got to go.
- That little pinch of skin by my armpit that stuck out in tank top is bothering me.
- My cheeks are so puffy from the binge I had the night before... ugh. 

Insert fasted cardio, diuretics, fat burners, calorie restriction, guilt & shame. 

Within that same first year of getting breast implants I also developed full blown Binge Eating Disorder. And I was studying to become a Certified Personal Trainer during this time!

Here I was, working towards making a career out of helping people eat healthy and get in amazing shape, yet "I" couldn't even get my own eating issues under control.

I'm here to tell you...

If you take nothing away from anything I've said, know this:

If you don't believe in yourself, get your mindset (thoughts and beliefs) right and surround yourself with positive people, it doesn't matter how much you know - nothing will work for long. 

From the outside I looked good. I came off as happy go lucky. But behind closed doors I was an anxious girl with constant disempowering thoughts who overly obsessed about not looking like the girl on the cover of Oxygen magazine.

Fast forward to October 2014, after competing in a couple fitness competitions, I began to get really sick.

Chronic fatigue. Brain fog. Hair loss. Blurry vision. Debilitating anxiety and depression bouts. Hip joint pain. Cold extremities. Gasping for air. Swollen lymph nodes. Ringing in my ears. Full body tremors.

Come to find out, after four years of doctors visits, cancer scares, ultrasounds, supplement protocols, a massive overhaul with my diet and lots of praying,

I found out in 2017 that I had something called, Breast Implant Illness.

This was my ah-ha moment after so many years of felling like I was going to die - literally!

In August 2018 I explanted and never looked back.

Who would've thought the things I so desperately thought I needed almost took me down?

I am on the other side of that now, and can proudly say that my health, body image, confidence, relationship with food, mindset and life is pretty darn near perfect.

I no longer weigh myself multiple times the day, count every calorie, do excessive amounts of cardio, obsess about my body or feel the need to go to extremes to alter my body in order to feel more confident, womanly or healthy. 

And I want this for you more than anything.

It took me two decades - 21 years to be exact - to get to a place of unconditionally loving my body. 

After my own trials and errors and working with thousands of women,

I know what it takes to feel good about your body, love what you see in the mirror and where 99.9% of women go wrong from day one. 

I also KNOW what doesn’t work, what's downright dangerous and what's a waste of time.

My intention, with anything I do, is to not only show you how to get there, but teach you how to sustain and maintain what you worked so hard to achieve.

Since 2008 (after I became a Certified Personal Trainer) I’ve successfully helped thousands of women from all walks of life:

  - Binge & Emotional Eaters who turn to food to cope with stress,
  - Bikini Competitors who are willing to do anything to win first place,
  - The Diehard Gym Rat who wants to pack on 10 pounds of muscle,
  - The Busy Mom who wants to lose her baby weight,

Regardless of where you currently are and everything you've tried, you can be:

Heal the relationship you have with your body, using the power of your mind.
Eat in a way that doesn’t feel like a diet, and maintains your sanity.
Achieve your goals - but this time we’re starting from a place of love.
Love your body unconditionally - scars, dimples, stretch marks and all. 
Exude confidence, no matter what your jean or breast is.
Develop the mindset it takes to achieve and sustain your goals.
It's time for you to show up big in life & as the best version of yourself. 

You absolutely CAN break free from any body-image barriers holding you back and get in amazing shape!

I'll show you how!

And remember,
Beauty standards are flawed - not you. 💋
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